Piper (10 out of 10 ) John Goodman - Super! I love this film! I love Coen!
Anakin (2 out of 10 ) This movie sucked from beginning to end. Anyone know where I can find that picture of the girl at the beach?
Cam (10 out of 10 ) Anakin, if this was 14th century Italy or Spain you would be hung, drawn and quartered by the Roman Catholic Church for blasphemy. But since this is the 21 century and such acts are no longer practiced, we will just point and laugh at your ignorant, unprofound, un-fact based statement at a movie which changed the Cannes Film Festival (true film buffs know what I am talking a bout), apart from Fargo this is the Cohen Brothers finest work and was written in three weeks, and has about as many symbols and metaphors as a piece of Shakespearean Poetry. Great film and a great work of art.